Orientation play for the academic year 2019-20 Azaadi was based on a vast and versatile topic of freedom. We all live in a free country but the question of paramount signicance remains that are we really free? With this thought in mind Pantomime presented this Street play in LA Lawns on 29th July 2019. This play mainly focused on basic human rights, rights like right to love, right to dream, right to attain goals. Though our constitution guarantees us all these rights many of us deprived of the basic freedoms. We gave a voice of these unseen and unspoken problems of society with an added flavour of humour and entertainment. This play was a Rolar-Coaster ride of emotions, at one moment we are laughing and crying at the other. We are happy at one second, sad at other. Applauded by audience this play leaves us in questions about us and our society and country.